Aug 31, 2008

Baby blessing

Today was your blessing day, Lucy B. We took the occasion of your Uncle Will, Aunt Deb, and cousin Lizzie's visit to have the blessing, and so Uncle Will got to be in the blessing circle, too. You can see in this picture that you had on your grandmother's antique baby gown, a pair of white moccasins, and homemade lace tights your mom made. Your mom and I felt that your baby blessing was important as it connects you to all your Mormon ancestors and it gave me a chance to really ponder my hopes and dreams for you as you make your way through life. You'll notice from the words below that the two main dreams I have for you are that you might have wonder and appreciation for the beautiful world in which we live and to have compassion and love for all people. 

Lucy B Josephine, know that you are loved and cherished by your heavenly and earthly families. Their love will guide, protect and teach you on your journey through your mortal life. To help you on this path, I bestow upon you these blessings:

I bless your physical body that it will grow in stature and strength that it might be the means by which you can accomplish the endeavors and goals that you have in your life.

I bless your mind that it will have a lifelong quest for knowledge, and you will be able to combine that knowledge with advice you receive and experiences you have and from these things gain wisdom.

I bless your hands that they will serve you to do good work and to help bear others burdens that stand in need of being borne.

I bless your voice that it will express the joy of living in this beautiful world and that it will be a source of advice and wisdom and comfort to those in need of it.

I bless your eyes that they might see and appreciate the beauty of this world and also see opportunities to help others.

And lastly, I bless your heart, that it will be filled with love and compassion for those around you.

Those are my hopes for you, Lucy B. And I promise to help you to become the person that you want to be.

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