Aug 8, 2008

Quite a set of pipes there

Well Lucy, imagine my surprise and delight when I discovered that you were completely enamored with singing. On my day spent with you this week while your mom was at work, we spent the day eating, sleeping, and due to getting plenty of the previous two, lots of playing. I started off talking to you, which always seems to get you to talk right back... mostly the vowel "o," although I'm sure you'll be moving onto the other vowels and a dipthong or two shortly. But it was when I started singing to you, particularly "Oo-de-lalley" from Disney's "Robin Hood," that you stepped it up a notch. And I mean you sang your vowel the entire time I would sing. I love that you wait to respond to our talking until after we've stopped talking, yet will sing along your adorable "oooooo" while we are singing. And I love that I get you to myself at least one day a week. It makes me jealous of your mom, who gets you to herself four times as much.

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