Aug 12, 2008

Who will you look like?

When you were first born, you looked almost exactly like your dad.

Now, you are starting to look like my mom.

I'm sure you will be your own little person but both of these likenesses make me happier than you can imagine. If I could pick two people in all the world for you to resemble, it would be these two.

My Grandma Callister used to keep a couple of photo albums in her living room. One of them was of the grandchildren (my brothers and sisters and our Callister cousins). The other one was of my grandparents and their children (my mom and her brother Russell). I used to pour over the pages of my mother looking at all the tiny details of her clothes and her hair. Mom as a baby. Mom as a teenager. Mom as almost my exact age! I thought - and still think - she is one of the most beautiful people I've ever met. I always hoped I would turn out like her but I'm afraid I didn't get many of her features. I hope you will be more lucky.

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