Aug 30, 2008

Trip to the coast

Uncle Will, Aunt Deb, and Lizzie came to visit for the weekend. We drove to the coast and spent a couple of days in Newport. The weather was mostly great and we had a wonderful time. 

Spending time with Lizzie was like a little glimpse into the future. She'll be three this fall and watching her, I was amazed at all the things she can say and do. She also has a will that can turn the tides and boy does she use it. Let's hope I develop Deb's patience over the next couple of years so when you say "what?" for the thirtieth time in succession, I can laugh about it instead of wanting to put a pencil in my eye.

Actually, Lizzie is at a great age and we really enjoyed her. She is really listening to every word she hears and we heard her say several new ones just over the couple of days of the trip. She was wanting to help and be involved in everything. Here she is carrying my boots back to the car. What a worker.

She seemed to have mixed feelings about you. Most of the time, she was very interested in what you were doing. She wanted to know what you could do, eat, say, etc. She seemed very surprised when we told her she couldn't really do anything yet. Not even sit up! Not even eat a Lego fruit snack! A couple of times though, she suggested we leave you behind. I guess she didn't like sharing all the attention.

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