Aug 26, 2008

Sweet sleep

I woke up this morning from an intense dream, totally disoriented. The window seemed to be on the wrong side of the bed and the door was definitely in the wrong place. It took me a minute or two to figure out where I was.

After thinking about it, this makes sense because it was the first time I've had 6 hours of sleep in one stretch since about halfway through my pregnancy when our room was situated differently.

You've been a great sleeper from the beginning and have slept through the night for months now. Unfortunately, my chest has been reluctant to scale back the milk production during those night hours so I've had to wake up and pump. Weaning myself off the night shift has been no small task and with every clogged duct I have had to start over again. But alas, I'm almost there. The night that you are the one to wake me up will be one to celebrate! 

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