Aug 18, 2008

Back to work

Umbrella up, iPod charged, breast pump on my back, and I'm off to join the other morning nomads - crossing the city by bus, train, and tram to a place where I can once again speak in complete sentences and go eight hours without getting pooped on.

These days, I don't have any sorrow leaving you. You're with your dad all day and it's wonderful for you both to have some time away from me. I feel very grateful to have a job that I find so rewarding and the people that I work with are amazing. A lot of what I enjoy about working is the easy interaction that I get every day - without having to plan it all out and schedule it in like I do in a more social setting. 

But my boss is on her way out and my job is bound to change. New job options may not be as flexible as I need them to be. Jeremy can't keep taking you one day a week forever and leaving you with a sitter won't feel this guilt-free. So right now, I'm just taking it one work day at a time and trying to enjoy it.

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